Arvioitu ilmestymispäivä: 28.7.2015
Zack Lightman is daydreaming through another dull math class when the high-tech dropship lands in his school's courtyard-and when the men in the dark suits and sunglasses leap out of the ship and start calling his name, he's sure he's still dreaming.
But the dream is all too real; the people of Earth need him. As Zack soon discovers, the videogame he's been playing obsessively for years isn't just a game; it's part of a massive, top-secret government training program, designed to teach gamers the skills they'll need to defend Earth from a possible alien invasion. And now…that invasion is coming.
As he and his companions prepare to enter their ships and do battle, Zack learns that the father he thought was dead is actually a key player in this secret war. And together with his father, he'll uncover the truth about the alien threat, race to prevent a genocide, and discover a mysterious third player in the interplanetary chess game he's been thrown into.
Viime vuonna luin Ernest Clinen aiemman teoksen Ready Player One. Vaikka kirja ei minuun niinkään iskenyt (minua alkoi loppua kohden ärsyttämään ne 80-luvun populaarikulttuurin viittaukset), tiesin että Cline on oikeilla jäljillä. Olen siis valmis antamaan tilaisuuden Armadalle, joka tulee kutkuttamaan nörttihermojani.But the dream is all too real; the people of Earth need him. As Zack soon discovers, the videogame he's been playing obsessively for years isn't just a game; it's part of a massive, top-secret government training program, designed to teach gamers the skills they'll need to defend Earth from a possible alien invasion. And now…that invasion is coming.
As he and his companions prepare to enter their ships and do battle, Zack learns that the father he thought was dead is actually a key player in this secret war. And together with his father, he'll uncover the truth about the alien threat, race to prevent a genocide, and discover a mysterious third player in the interplanetary chess game he's been thrown into.
Kirjan genre tulee olemaan scifiä. Olettaisin kohdeyleisön olevan nuoret pojat, mikä on erittäin tervetullut asia kirjojen maailmaan.
Luin Ready Player Onen juuri ja se kolahti todella lujaa. Odotankin Armadaa siksi todella innoissani.